Departmental Organization

The internal organization of the museum calls for the creation of around twenty departments (or divisions) each eventually with professional staff. These departments will have the responsibility for a series of permanent exhibition halls which cover specific financial institutions.

1. Family and Home Economics
2. Insurance
3. Commercial Banking
4. Central Banking
5. Markets
6. Accounting
7. Investment Banking
8. Law and Economics
9. International Finance and Trade
10. Government financial institutions
11. Economics Methodology and Theory
12. Art and Literature
13. Economic Anthropology and biology
14. Production and Corporate Finance
15. Labor Economics
16. Coinage and Currency
17. Transportation and Communication

Service Divisions
18. Exhibitions and Game Design
19. Library Services
20. Education

The general emphasis for all halls will be to have as many interactive games as possible which should both be fun and instructive. These include Dutch auction markets, the buying of marine insurance for simulated sea voyages; the purchase of stock; foreign exchange transactions; retirement saving, etc. Versions of some of the games noted already exist at the new Bundesbank Museum in Frankfort and at the new museum in Amsterdam. The fact that these museums have come into being recently serves as an indicator that the time is ripe for this museum in the United States. However both the Amsterdam Museum and the Marc Tabor hall at Los Angeles indicate the difficulties in bringing off good games with a successful high educational content.

Click on the links above for a brief summary of some of their functions and proposed exhibits.